What is Pedal 4 Play?
Pedal 4 Play is our brand new virtual cycling event for 2021! Cycle 105 miles your way - over a day, a weekend, a week or across the whole month. This is a virtual challenge for cyclists everywhere; rides of all types will count towards your total (outside, inside and on virtual platforms)!
When is Pedal 4 Play?
Pedal 4 Play takes place during the month, you can complete it in as many rides as you wish – in one day, over a weekend or spread over the month - the choice is yours!
Are there any registration or participation fees?
Signing up for Pedal 4 Play is free! We do set a fundraising challenge though, there is a fundraising target of £105.00. Once signed up we will send you a Pedal 4 Play branded item, once you have completed the challenge we will forward your digital certificate.
Is there an age limit for Pedal 4 Play?
There’s no age limit for Pedal 4 Play however due to the distance of the challenge we would suggest that under 18s take part as a family or a team.
What is JustGiving and how do I use it?
JustGiving is an online fundraising platform which you can use to collect your donations. Your fundraising page will be set up automatically when you sign up for Pedal 4 Play. To access your page go to the JustGiving website and enter the log in details you supplied when you signed up. If you signed up online, your confirmation email will also have a link to your page. You can share your page with friends and family to encourage them to donate to your challenge
How do I get help with my JustGiving fundraising page?
If you need help using your fundraising page, making a donation, or anything else JustGiving related, their dedicated support team can help you out.
You can message JustGiving through their contact form if you need any help or can’t find what you’re looking for. Alternatively, check out the JustGiving help page.
What happens after I sign up and what support will I receive from the Naomi House & Jacksplace?
We’re here to support you on your journey for Pedal 4 Play. We’ll be in touch with emails to give you inspiration, motivation, top tips and fundraising resources and ideas. You can access all this information on our website, and get advice from other Pedal 4 Play participants on our cyclists Facebook group.
What is Strava and how do I use it?
Strava is a training app which tracks and records your distance. JustGiving is partnered with Strava which means you can link your fundraising page to Strava and your page will be updated every time you complete a cycle. That way, your donors can see how you’re getting on. Fundraisers who use this feature raise an average 46% more!
What happens if I only use the fitness app to track some of my activities and forget to use it for some?
If it’s linked to your fundraising page, we’ll know about any of the miles you complete using your fitness app. You just need to let us know about the rest of them by manually updating your fundraising page. Just remember: don’t manually log any miles that you’ve used a fitness app to track, as we’ll already have those logged.
What if I don't want to use a tracking app? How can I track the miles I've completed?
If you don’t want to use a fitness app, you can still easily keep track of your miles through your fundraising page. You can do this by manually updating your JustGiving fundraising page. Just make sure you're logged in, then scroll down and click the 'log activity' button on your fundraising page. A window will open that allows you to add your activity and log it manually on your page.
Can I meet other people taking part?
Yes! Once you've signed up please join our Facebook group to chat with other people taking part in our cycling events.
How do I fundraise?
As soon as you sign up to your challenge your fundraising page will be created for you. It’s simple! All income is transferred directly to us. You’ll be able to share your progress on Facebook and Twitter too. And we’ll also provide fundraising tips and support throughout your journey. If you do not want to ask people to donate, you can always donate £1.00 for every mile that you cycle!
What is Gift Aid?
We love Gift Aid as it means we can claim 25p on every £1 donation, at no extra cost to you or your supporters. For UK taxpayers JustGiving allows your supporters to automatically Gift Aid their donation.
How do I pay in my money?
Ask people to donate directly to your fundraising page. That way, the money will come to us automatically. If you’ve collected cash then you can pay in the money to your fundraising page using a credit or debit card.
Is there a deadline for paying in donations?
You should pay in your donations by 14th September 2021.
Does Covid-19 impact this challenge?
We recommend you follow government guidelines at all time. Please do stay safe.